Rosemarry Oil


For Skin Rosemary oil has excellent strengthening properties. It is helpful to fight against common skin conditions like acne and cellulite. For Hair Rosemary oil helps to strengthen hair and fight against dandruff it gives natural nourishment to your hair. Messaging rosemary oil on the scalp helps stimulate blood circulation and nourish the hair follicles. For Aromatherapy Rosemary oil has a soothing aroma that helps to relieve stress.

How to use

Burners and vaporizers : Diffuse a few drops in an ultrasonic or tea candle diffuser for peaceful environs. Blend message oil or in bath : Add a few drops with your favorite bathing or message oil (3 drops per 10 ml carrier oil) Cream of lotion: In a cream or lotion it is most beneficial for improving blood circulation and decongesting the skin. Shampoo : When added to shampoo it not only increases the circulation to the scalp and thereby improving hair growth, but also acts as a general conditioner and tonic for the hair and scalp.

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Essential oils are compounds extracted from plants. The oils capture the plant's aroma, flavor and “essence.”

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